Alkaline Cleaner

1. ChmeX CIP 50- Highly Concentrated Cleaner-replacement of caustic

2. ChmeX CIP 6010- Alkaline cleaner with active chlorine

3. ChmeX Nuclean- Neutral concentrated cleaning agent for manual cleaning

4. ChmeX CIP 321- Alkaline cleaner cum disinfectant for BMC & CC

5. ChmeX Hiclean- Neutral all Purpose cleaning, high foaming


1. ChmeX AD 101- Germicide cleaner- Caustic additive

2. ChmeX AD 1053- Caustic additive for Dairy Industry

3. ChmeX AD DS- Phosphoric acid & surfactant based acid additive for dairy industry

Acidic Cleaner

1. ChmeX CIP NT- Strong acidic cleaner based on Nitric acid and surfactant

2. ChmeX CIP Plus- Phosphoric acid based cleaner for breweries


1. ChmeX DEX 5- 5% Peracetic acid based disinfectant

2. ChmeX DES 15- 15% Peracetic acid Based disinfectant

3. ChmeX DES Silvox- Hydrogen and Nano silver based disinfectant

4. ChmeX Quat – QAC based disinfectant

Foam Cleaning

1. ChmeX Foam 100- Chlorinated foam cleaner designed for daily use

2. ChmeX Foam 200- Acidic foam cleaner inorganic acid and bend of high forming wetting agents

3. ChmeX Foam NU- Neutral pH based foaming manual cleaner

Conveyor Chain Lubricant

1. ChmeX Lube 853- Soap based conveyor chain lubricant

2. ChmeX Lube 846- Synthetic amine based conveyor chain lubricant

3. ChmeX Lube 833- Silicon based conveyor chain lubricant for corrugated box

4. ChmeX Drytech- Silicon emulsion based High performance dry lubricant for conveyor

UF/NF/RO membrance CIP Products

1. ChmeX MC 942- Buffered midly alkaline membrane cleaner

2. ChmeX MC 943- Modarate alkaline cleaner

3. ChmeX MC 946- Highly alkaline cleaner with surfactant

4. ChmeX MC 952- Acidic membrance cleaner with phosphoric acid and nitric acid

5. ChmeX MC 970- Enzmatic cleaner for membrance combination with MC 942

6. ChmeX MC LS- Biocide for Membrance CIP, combination with MC 952

7. ChmeX MC ADD- Detergency booster for fat removal, combination with MC 946

Hand Hygiene

1. ChmeX H DES- IPA based ready to used hand disinfectant

2. ChmeX H and Soap- Highly concentrated hand washing solution

Ecomilk Machine

1. ChmeX TA- Alkaline cleaner cum disinfectant for Ecoday machine- (ECODAY)

2. ChmeX TS- Acidic cleaner with surfactant for Ecoday machine- (ECO WEEK)

3. ChmeX ECO Power

4. ChmeX Lacto Weekly

5. ChmeX Lacto Daily